Ciao! This is my blog documenting my Cultural Immersion Experience in Rome, Italy, from Jan. 19th - May 12th. I am a junior at Castleton State College in Vermont, and part of my graduation requirements include spending at least fifteen weeks abroad, becoming immersed in the culture and the community. I post once a week at a minimum.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Multiple posts coming, I promise

I know I'm super behind on posts. It's the end of midterm week here, and I have a few post planned, I just have to type them all up. I will be back on track by next Friday, will all the late post staggered from now to then.

There will be:

  • Firenze Part Two
  • Visiting Jenn in Berlin
  • A cultural immersion and Midterm Week post 
Thank you for understanding!

1 comment:

  1. Thank YOU for understanding that I haven't been keeping up with comments!
